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Drafting commitee
  Number 13
04/2015 - 12/2015

Technical Sciences

  Volnov D.A.
Automated workplace of the researcher of mathematical models

Subject: 05.13.01 — System Analysis, Management and Information Processing
UDC: 004.588 | Recieved: 12.05.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 23 / 0

Mikheeva M.Y.
Automation requests to the post-relational database based on the use of color and cartographic information.

Subject: 05.13.01 — System analysis, management and processing of information.
UDC: 004.657 | Recieved: 27.05.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 14 / 0

Pichugin D.I.
Development of the operator of the manipulator’s interface by means of MasterSCADA

Subject: 05.13.06 - Automation and management of technological processes and productions (on branches)
UDC: 62.512 | Recieved: 19.06.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 189 / 0

Danilin V.I.
Control of manipulator on the base of Arduino Uno

Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of industrial process and production (branch-wise)
UDC: 62.512 | Recieved: 19.06.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 12 / 0

Syatkin A.P.
The three-coordinate manipulator control system on PR110 basis

Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of technological processes and managements (on branches)
UDC: 62.521 | Recieved: 26.06.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 24 / 0

Makarova E.V.
Control of manipulator on the base controller OWEN PLC-150

Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of industrial process and production (branch-wise)
UDC: 62.512 | Recieved: 26.06.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 25 / 0

Lopato A.O.
The electric model for natural modeling of water pump station

Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of industrial process and production (branch-wise)
UDC: 62.521 | Recieved: 26.06.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 68 / 0

Physico-mathematical sciences

  Savrukhin A.P.
Physics conductivity

Subject: 01.00.00 - Physics and Mathematics
UDC: 537.31 | Recieved: 15.04.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 140 / 0

Savrukhin A.P.
Electrostatics without the "free charges"

Subject: 01.00.00 Physics-mathematical science: Electrostatics
UDC: 537.2 | Recieved: 13.10.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 2486 / 0

Savrukhin A.P.
The physical basis of electrical phenomena

Subject: 01.00.00 - Physics and Mathematics
UDC: 537.11 | Recieved: 02.11.2015
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 779 / 0