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Drafting commitee
  Number 4
11/2005 - 12/2006

Physico-mathematical sciences

  Kladov M.Y.
Influencing of thermal effects on strength of glue BF

Subject: 01.04.14 – Thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering
UDC: 541.66:541.127 | Recieved: 02.03.2006
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 531 / 0

Kladov M.Y.
Research of kinetic parameters of a thermal decomposition of threads of a stuff svm before and after mechanical effect

Subject: 01.04.14 – Thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering
UDC: 541.66:541.127 | Recieved: 02.03.2006
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 69 / 0

Fundamental problems of natural science

  Shachnev V.A.
Equation of flexure of the plate elastic

UDC: 531.01 | Recieved: 18.12.2005
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 65 / 0

Bykov D.L.Shachnev V.A.
A Generalized Iterative Method of the Solution of One-Dimonsional Problems of the Nonlinear Endochronic Theory of AgeingViscoelastic Materials

UDC: 531 | Recieved: 27.12.2005
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 103 / 0

Creation of measuring and computing control systems research

  Voyakin E.A.
An approach for combined automatization in the process of creation Web-based computer information systems

UDC: 004.4 : 004.7 | Recieved: 06.11.2005
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 18 / 0

Plesovskih A.K.Chernyshov A.V.
Getting problem of onboard telemetry system automation creature from units of "Orbita-IVMO" information-telemetry system

UDC: 621.398:004.001.12 | Recieved: 06.02.2006
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: RTF | Size, Kb (russian / english): 8 / 0

Chernyshov A.V.
Attempt of creature and using particularized X-terminal class-room

UDC: [004.78:004.451.9Linux:378.162.33].004 | Recieved: 12.02.2006
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: PDF | Size, Kb (russian / english): 154 / 0


  Savrukhin A.P.
Proverbs In «Dao de tzyn»

UDC: 87.7 | Recieved: 08.12.2005
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 44 / 0