Current number


Common information
Drafting commitee
  Number 4
11/2005 - 12/2006



  • russian
  • Plesovskih A.K., Chernyshov A.V.

    "Getting problem of onboard telemetry system automation creature from units of "Orbita-IVMO" information-telemetry system"

    Described membership, functioning and assembly principle
    of "Orbita-IVMO" onboard telemetry system.
    Necessity process automation of composition onboard
    telemetry system indicated.

    "Orbita-IVMO" Information-Telemetry System,
    Onboard Telemetry System Automation Creature.

    UDC: 621.398:004.001.12 | Recieved: 06.02.2006
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: RTF | Size, Kb (russian / english): 8 / 0