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Drafting commitee
  Number 8
01/2010 - 12/2010

Technical Sciences

  Dontsov I. Bartenev I.
Modeling fluctuations forest linkage implements

Subject: 05.21.01- Technology and machinery logging and forestry
UDC: 631.3.072 | Recieved: 17.05.2010
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 947 / 0

Rational technologies in forest and wood-processing industry research

  Dontsov I.
Optimization of mounted implements on the criterion of "resilience"

Subject: 05.21.01- Technology and machinery logging and forestry
UDC: 631.3.072 | Recieved: 28.06.2010
Article is available on: [russian]
Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 1455 / 0