Registration data
The magazine had been registered by the Russian Federation state press commitee. The certificate of the registration of Mass Media #018875, May 27th 1999.
The form of periodic distribution: the electronic magazine of MSFU.
The founder: Moscow State Forestry Univercity.
The themes of the magazine
Our journal publishes articles written by our university
faculty, post-graduate, graduate, and undergraduate students,
and also foreign authors on the following subjects:
- 01.00.00 - Physics and Mathematics
- 01.00.02 - Differential Equations
- 01.00.07 - Computational Mathematics
- 01.02.01 - Theoretical Mechanics
- 01.04.14 - Heat Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering
- 03.00.00 - Biosciences
- 03.00.09 - Entomology
- 03.00.16 - Ecology
- 03.00.27 - Edaphology
- 05.00.00 - Technical Sciences
- 05.13.01 - System Analysis, Management and Information Processing
- 05.13.05 - Elements and Assemblies for Computers and Control Systems
- 05.13.06 - Automation and Management of Technological Processes and Production Lines (in different industries)
- 05.13.13 - Telecommunication Systems and Computer Networks
- 05.21.01 - Logging and Forestry Technologies and Equipment
- 05.21.05 - Technologies and Equipment for Wood Processing, Science of Wood
- 05.23.17 - Construction Mechanics
- 06.00.00 - Agricultural Sciences
- 06.01.02 - Land Melioration, Reclamation and Protection
- 06.01.11 - Plants Protection
- 06.03.01 - Forest Cultures, Selection, Seed Production
- 06.03.02 - Forest Management and Taxation
- 06.03.03 - Silvics and Silviculture, Forest Fires and Fire Control
- 06.03.04 - Reclamative Afforestation and Protective Forest Growing, Urban Gardening
- 08.00.00 - Economic Sciences
- 08.00.01 - Politics and Economy
- 08.00.05 - Economics and National Economy Management
- 09.00.00 - Philosophic Sciences
- 09.00.11 - Social Philosophy
- 12.00.00 - Law
- 12.00.06 - Forest Resource Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law
- 25.00.00 - Soil Sciences
- 25.00.32 - Geodesy