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Drafting commitee
  Number 13
04/2015 - 12/2015



  • russian
  • Lopato A.O.

    "The electric model for natural modeling of water pump station"

    In article the projectof the model for natural modeling of system of automatic control in the form of a servoregulyator is offered. The equipment of management is real, and the object of management is presented by physical model in the form of the electric model which mathematical model is identical to model of water pump station. Thus physical processes in an electric circuit are similar on the logic to transition processes in the hydraulic scheme, and can be observed by means of a digital oscillograph. When performing laboratory work students compare real transition processes for any variable to transition processes on models in Simulinke or Matkada.

    Key words: Simulink, Matlab, переходный процесс, форма Коши

    Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of industrial process and production (branch-wise)
    UDC: 62.521 | Recieved: 26.06.2015
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 68 / 0