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Drafting commitee
  Number 13
04/2015 - 12/2015



  • russian
  • Makarova E.V.

    "Control of manipulator on the base controller OWEN PLC-150"

    The project was developed three-axis manipulator control system based on an external controller OWEN PLC-150. With medium Motomaster language SML controls the position and acceleration tools. In an environment CoDeSys connect engine control unit.

    Key words: Motomaster, OWEN PLC-150, CoDeSys

    Subject: 05.13.06 — Automation and management of industrial process and production (branch-wise)
    UDC: 62.512 | Recieved: 26.06.2015
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 25 / 0