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Drafting commitee
  Number 12
01/2014 - 12/2014



  • russian
  • Polyakov A.S.

    "Application of camera traps in SOI MO "Mosoblles" branch "Russian forest" Hatunskogo region forestry"

    This article discusses the use of technical means fixing photos and videos within the control of the Moscow region SOI MO "Mosoblles" branch "Russian forest" Hatunskogo region forestry.

    Rapid detection violation of forestry legislation is often complicated by the fact that forestry experts can not always detect and prevent violations, find witnesses and identify the person has committed a violation.

    Nowadays means of photo and video fixation, which are on a rank with a living witness, help solve the above named problems. Means of photo and video fixation allows to preserve and transmit information foresters.

    Keywords: camera traps, Hatunskoe region forestry, violation of forestry legislation, forestry code, software, data transmission, monitoring.

    Subject: _
    UDC: 681.772.2 | Recieved: 10.06.2014
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 2474 / 0