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Drafting commitee
  Number 12
01/2014 - 12/2014



  • russian
  • Ponomarenko E.P.

    "Resource-saving information technologies of the measuring complex of the «Vostochny» cosmodrome."

    Creation of the «Vostochny» cosmodrome (space center) intended to ensure the independence of space activity of Russia on the whole spectrum of tasks solved, and to reduce or abolish rent costs «Baikonur».

    The purpose of this work is the development of variant of construction with minimization of expenses of the measuring complex of the new cosmodrome for information support of launches of space rockets.

    Proposals are confirmed by the analysis of the condition and prospects of development of the ground-based facilities, calculations of areas of the radiovisibility for all declared launch trajectories.

    The practical significance of this design is the perspective application of modern mobile complexes of telemetry measurements in the structure of the geographically-posted measuring complex of «Vostochny».

    Keywords: cosmodrome (space center), measuring complex, antenna system, receiving station, telemetry data, trajectory of the flight, mobile complex of telemetry measurements.

    Subject: 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
    UDC: 004.9 | Recieved: 25.03.2014
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 1944 / 0