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Drafting commitee
  Number 10
01/2012 - 12/2012



  • russian
  • Vaskovsky S.V.

    "The organization of the wireless network constructed on technology Wi-Fi In ULK-2 MSFU"

    In given article the wireless network organization in ULK-2 МГУЛ, its setting, adjustment and optimization is considered. In article basic reasons and the purposes of creation of the wireless network, the arisen difficulties and variants of their decision are considered. The special attention in article is given loading on the equipment in the form of a considerable quantity of simultaneously connected users and algorithms of lowering of the given loading. As in article unification of system and its further development is considered

    List of key words: Wireless network, jotas a spot, wireless network optimization, loading on a network, throughput

    Subject: 05.13.13 – Telecommunication systems and computer networks
    UDC: 004.7 | Recieved: 01.06.2012
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 8 / 0