Nabatov V.N., Chernyshov A.V.
"The task of unification of the description of the exhibits to the IRS and its solution"
In this paper, we consider the unification of the description of the exhibits in a retrieval system (IRS). The main goal of creating and main tasks of information retrieval systems. The solution of the problem illustrated by the Children's Museum of the History of the Movement on the basis of MGDD (E) T. The article described the essence of the problems encountered in solving the problem, and justified the means chosen to address it, justified the introduction of a special type of storage facilities ("reference objects"), with examples of their use. The article describes the overall structure of the IRS, the capacity of its use and expansion.
Кey words: information retrieval system, the description field of the exhibit, the unification of the fields, the database, the museum
Subject: 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing
UDC: 004.6 |
Recieved: 24.05.2012
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