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Drafting commitee
  Number 11
01/2013 - 12/2013



  • russian
  • Shalaev V. S., Khutorova N. A.

    "About Participation of the Moscow State Forest University in EC-Program ТEMPUS"

    In article the brief characteristic of European program ТEMPUS and the description of International project “Qualifications framework for sustainable forestry and lifelong learning” is given. The scientists of the Moscow State Forest University take part in this Project. The description of the international training-session on the basis of and with participation of Universities Padua (Italy) and Lille (France), of the educate-research-and-production objects of these universities and some organizations of an education and a science in the Europe and some organizations of a forest complex of Italy and France is given.

    Key words: EC-Program ТEMPUS, Moscow State Forest University

    Subject: other
    UDC: 630.30 | Recieved: 03.07.2013
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 5123 / 0