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Drafting commitee
  Number 7
01/2009 - 12/2009



  • russian
  • Shalaev V.S. Zaprudnov V.I. Khutorova N.A.

    "European research area: opportunities for Russian forest science"

    The information about developing of international cooperation in the sphere of research and development is given in this article. There is a short characteristic of European Framework Programs, in particular the description of the 7th Framework Program and project-program WoodWisdom-Net in it. There are also the possibilities of participation in implementation of different international projects for Russian forest science in it.

    Key words: International cooperation, research, European Framework Programs, WoodWisdom-Net,forest science

    Subject: Economy and Management of a national economy
    UDC: 630.30 | Recieved: 19.01.2009
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 899 / 0