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Drafting commitee
  Number 5
01/2007 - 12/2007



  • russian
  • Paiamnor V..

    "The Investigation of Phenology Trates of Acer tegmentosum Max. and Acer rubrum L. and Definition of Ploidy of Theire Chromotype in the Ivanteevka Nursery"

    As a result of investigation the phenology trates of Acer tegmentosum Max. and Acer rubrum L. in the Ivanteevka Nursery were established. Also it was established that in the somatically cells of A. tegmentosum there are 26 chromosomes, as is typical for the most of Acer species, and in the somatically cells of A. rubrum there are 104 chromosomes, so this is octaploidy species.

    Key words: Acer tegmentosum, Acer rubrum, phenology, ploidy of chromotype, Ivanteevka nursery

    Subject: 03.00.16 ecology
    UDC: 581.1, 581.8 | Recieved: 16.04.2007
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 1907 / 0