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Drafting commitee
  Number 1
06/2001 - 12/2003



  • russian
  • Paramonov S.V.

    "Automatic system for satellite images topological anomalies detection based on fractal dimension analysis"

    Automatic satallite images processing systems for detecting topological anomalies at the landscapes are important part of environment operative remote sensing tools which are used for preventing and early detection of large-scale man-maded or naturally borned extraordinary processes like fires, floods, pollutions etc.
    At present most of existing algorytms for anomal changes detection are of reduced applications and so there is not possible to avoid involving human recources in the process of selection of images with anomalies.
    In the article it is proposed to use detection algorytm based on satellite image fractal dimension analysis in such system. System structure based on this algorytm is given; also it is proposed approximated organization structure for satellite images proccessing and storage center with operative access for subscribers.

    UDC: 629.7 | Recieved: 26.06.2001
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: RTF | Size, Kb (russian / english): 575 / 0