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Drafting commitee
  Number 14
06/2016 - 12/2016



  • russian
  • Firsov S.A.

    "Quick method of forest resources assessment on the basis of an airborne laser scanning data and multispectral satellite images"

    The represented quick method of forest resources assessment allows to obtain information on forest biomass of a site on the basis of an airborne laser scanning data and multispectral satellite images in automatic mode. We have developed a toolbox for ArcGIS geographic information system that automates processing from loading of basic data to receiving results of calculations. By means of infrared and multiple-time composites of satellite images allowed the possibility of division of coniferous and deciduous breeds, and also coniferous subgrowth detection is realized.

    Keywords: Remote sensing, forest volume, assessment, inventory, biomass, multispectral, multiple-time satellite images, coniferous, deciduous, subgrowth, ArcGIS, Airborne laser scanning, ALS, MSFU, GIS.

    Subject: 01.04.02 Applied mathematics and informatics
    UDC: 631.164.6 | Recieved: 16.06.2016
    Article is available on: [russian]
    Format: DOC | Size, Kb (russian / english): 2474 / 0